Úvod - Jizerské hory a Frýdlantsko - Jablonec nad Nisou - JABLONEC NAD NISOU
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Zvoleno: Jizerské hory a Frýdlantsko - Jablonec nad Nisou - Vodní plochy
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Český les, Chodsko a Stříbrsko, Zlínsko a Hostýnské vrchy, Ostravsko, Opavsko a poodří, Brno a okolí, Orlické hory a podhůří, Českomoravské pomezí, Moravský kras a Blansko, Máchův kraj, Vysočina, Kladské pomezí, Hrubý a Nízký Jeseník, Hradecko a Podzvičínsko, Český ráj, Střední Čechy jihovýchod, Břeclav a Pálavské vrchy |
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Jablonec nad Nisou is situated in the North Bohemia. It is an entertainment, sports and recreation centre in the area of Jizerské Mountains. The first mention of Jablonec dates back to 1356, but permanent settlement only took place in the 16th century when the first glassworks was set up in Mšeno and the first small church was built. A radical change in the town’s development came in the 2nd half of the 17th century. In the 1st half of the 18th century, the first costume jewellery products appeared and they became a success on the market right away.
Among the most interesting sights belong art nouveau houses and villas in today’s Podhorská Street and 28. Října Street, the Lord’s Most Sacred Heart Church on Horní (Upper) Square and the town hall on Mírové (Peace) Square.
Jablonec nad Nisou is also the town of sports and the gateway to the Jizerské Mountains. There are the sports grounds Na Sřelnici and V Břízkách in Mšeno, summer bathing in three reservoirs, open air tennis courts and indoor halls Nad Prosečí and V Břízkách, an indoor swimming pool, ice skating at indoor stadium, cross–country skiing site V Břízkách, a slalom slope at Dobrá Voda, riding schools in Rýnovice and Jablonec’s vicinity for horse lovers. It only takes 20 minutes to get to Bedřichov or Horní Maxov, two good starting points to the Jizerské Mountains.